Dear Ones,
You are on the brink of a major change within the transition of humanity. What has led you here is the work you have done over many lifetimes both here and in other places and dimensions. Although many (or most) of you can’t remember, you have been on this path for what you would consider quite some time.
What we wish to remind you of is that this has been a very long process. When looked at from this perspective, the changes don’t seem to be taking so long. Within your lifetimes so much has shifted and will continue to shift. It is exponential growth.
And so, we hope that you will not see anything that doesn’t resonate with advancement toward unity and ascension as regression. Rather, it is the further unfolding of the deconstruction of the old and the rebuilding of the new.
We understand that from your human perspective, it is difficult to trust the process. But we can tell you that you are still on the ascension path toward a unified collective consciousness for Earth.
You can continue to do your part by aligning with the version of yourself that also exists in this future context. The more of you who do this, the faster you will reach that state of being as a collective.
Again, we understand that it is difficult from the current time. But the idea is to become the version of you that is not connected with a perceived difficult time. Connect instead with the version of yourself that is part of The All. Do this as often as possible.
This will not only help you maintain your higher frequency state today, but it aids the collective of Earth in the future, and The All infinitely.
We hope this helps you,
and we thank you.
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