Unlocking Knowledge (Channeled)
Dear Ones, For a long time, you have been in a cycle of poverty of knowledge as far as how a lot of things are perceived there. We are speaking in terms of larger concepts such as time, consciousness, and your connection to The All and each other. We would explain how...
Navigating Life’s Challenges (Channeled)
Dear Ones, When you find yourselves struggling and wondering why you are having such a difficult time there, it is worth telling you that the struggles are part of a larger puzzle. Your goals there involve a lot of intricacies. Just as your daily lives have a lot of...
New Experiences With Time (Channeled)
Dear Ones, When you find yourselves in a situation where you are thriving, we think it would be beneficial for you to not second guess yourselves. For example, when something good happens we see that you have a tendency to wonder why. You have a tendency to downplay...
Creating Space for Light (Channeled)
Dear Ones, We would say that when you experience trauma in this life you accumulate biases. Because this occurs, there is virtually no place to store the light. We would recommend creating space, creating an opening, for more light to pour in from the greater self...
The Vastness of Your True Self (Channeled)
Dear Ones, There is a space within you. It allows you to connect with your true self. This space is always available. You cannot be disconnected from it. We would speak to you about the nature of your connection to the other realms, or other dimensions as you call...
Disallowing Fear (Channeled)
Dear Ones, When you have fears and worries that occupy your mind you are distracted from your ability to create. We would offer you some options to dampen that fear so that you are in a more optimal frequency. Fear is something that energetically comes into your...