Healing Ancestral Timelines | Channeled

Healing Ancestral Timelines | Channeled

Dear Ones, We would tell you today about a story of hope, ascension, and worth.  We can see, through the history of time there as you experience it, that things evolve rather slowly from your perspective. But there is a way to speed things up. When you extend a...

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Fate Vs. Ego | Channeled

Fate Vs. Ego | Channeled

Dear Ones, In the midst of a cycle of time, you may find yourselves acting against what you believe to be of benefit to you. We will tell you how to discern between “fate”, as you call it, and ego. When you call something fate, what you really mean is an intention you...

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Simple Practice For More Energy | Channeled

Simple Practice For More Energy | Channeled

Dear Ones, It is a time of year for many of you to celebrate. We can see that many of you are very focused in the physical at this time as there are places to go and lots to do and eat. But we would offer a practice to you that will help keep you from depleting your...

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Your Higher Self as Guide | Channeled

Your Higher Self as Guide | Channeled

Dear Ones, It is common knowledge there that when you are seeking some answers, you look to those who have ample experience or education in the topic. We would tell you that you have access to every knowledgeable being in the known (and unknown) multiverse. When you...

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Believe to Receive | Channeled

Believe to Receive | Channeled

Dear Ones, We know that in these times you perceive on your planet, it seems as if all is dark and gloomy around you. You look to the future for respite, but the future can seem to you to be gloomy as well. We would share with you some ways to distance yourself from...

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Carving The Paths To Collective Change (Channeled)

Carving The Paths To Collective Change (Channeled)

Dear Ones, We know that it is with trepidation that you enter your winter season. There are myriad reasons for this. Almost all of them have to do with earth ways rather than spiritual (or higher self) ways. We mean that as humans you still have a great deal of fear....

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Create The Environment You Most Want (Channeled)

Create The Environment You Most Want (Channeled)

Dear Ones, Today it is our pleasure to tell you one of the most important things for mankind. That, of course, is the desire to create the environment you most want there. Many people do not know that it is within your own power to create whatever you most want. And...

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How To Shift The Collective (Channeled)

How To Shift The Collective (Channeled)

It’s no secret that the world is going through some major changes right now. Everywhere you look, there is turmoil and chaos. It can be easy to get caught up in the drama and to feel like there is nothing you can do to make a difference. But the truth is, each and...

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Ascension Symptom Relief (Channeled)

Ascension Symptom Relief (Channeled)

Dear Ones, When you are expecting an event or happening, it can boost the energy of your being for a time. In humanity, when you have “something to look forward to”, your energy rises. For those of you anticipating the autumn equinox, this is so. You know, of course,...

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