Concurrent Life Transcript
Past life regression transcript - November 8, 2016 I had originally posted my thoughts on this life, but the post has disappeared. I know I made the post because there are links to it in several other places that no longer work. Here is the transcript from that...
Past Life – Inheriting an Estate
Recently I had an amazing session with Christi Daniels ( - can't recommend highly enough, so go check her site out) and discovered I have an issue with responsibility regarding managing large sums of money. Who knew that could even be a problem? Why...
Medieval France and My Thyroid Issues – Past Life Answers
For the past couple of months I've been on a medical journey. After experiencing extreme fatigue for the umpteenth time over the past 20+ years I went to see my doctor. As usual, he ran the "standard tests" and as usual they all came back "normal". This time I decided...
The Most Horrible and Best Past Life Regression I Ever Had
I’ve always told people that even frightening past lives aren’t so bad. After all, that life is done. It’s over. You are no longer there and, generally speaking, you don’t truly experience the horrifying parts as if you are still there. So what happens when you...
The Knight
One of the practice sessions we had to do while getting our Hypnosis Certification was a past life regression. My practice partner (who has been doing regressions for 15+ years) guided me through this one. The image I saw first was a man on a grey horse which was...
The Merchant
You might think from reading my other past life descriptions that I was always a young, wealthy woman. La dee dah! Well, no. In fact, I have had as many past life regressions as a male than as a female. In this particular past life regression, I was after any...
One of the most emotional and revealing regressions I've ever had came from listening to a guided past life regression recording. I went back to the mid 1800's in England. Again, I was a young lady - brown hair, blue eyes, and again pretty well off financially. I had...
My very first past life regression was about 20 years ago. I had typed up and printed out a script from a book that my then step-mother read out loud. I saw myself as a 5 year old girl with blond hair sitting in a room in the 1700's waiting to be called by my parents...