by | Jul 16, 2021 | Ascension, Channeling
I was given permission from one of my patrons to share this personal message with everyone. I feel like it’s important to know where the dark thoughts and emotions come from and how to release them. Dear One, We see that you have accumulated an amount of...
by | Jul 12, 2021 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, When you learn to let go of the past, the past no longer controls your present or future. We mean that in learning to be present, you can always learn how to find joy in each moment. If you are consistently thinking in terms of past and future, you will...
by | Jul 12, 2021 | Ascension, Channeling
Are you already channeling your higher self? How can you tell whether you’re just thinking about something vs. receiving divine inspiration? Dear Ones, We can see that when you open yourself up to allowing your higher self to come through, you believe this information...
by | Jun 28, 2021 | Ascension, Channeling, Self Help
Clean Your Energy Field | Is your cluttered physical environment causing your energy to feel cluttered as well? This channeled info tells you how to transcend it. Dear Ones, When you collect and collate things in your environment, the energy you feel as a result can...
by | Jun 21, 2021 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, The atmosphere you are in at this time is one of movement. It can be disconcerting at times to feel some negative emotion when you are attempting to stay focused in goodness and love and light. We would tell you how to make this process even easier. To...
by | Jun 14, 2021 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, When you first notice that things are not as you wish them to be in your own life, you have a choice – an opportunity. You can continue on as you have been and live the life you have already been living. Or, you can choose a new route – one that...
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