by bzadmin | Aug 31, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, We are assisted today by the angelic realm in bringing this message through due to the myriad of energy systems on your planet being in such a way as to necessitate our sending more energy through than we normally would. The angelics assist by “softening”...
by | Aug 24, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, We bring through today another message that focuses on peace. We know that we repeat ourselves sometimes and we do this so that we can describe and explain from many angles so to speak. Your task on Earth there at present may seem quite difficult. In the...
by | Aug 17, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, The message we have for you today contains coded information that will help you in taking in the new energies being sent forth to your planet and from your planet at this time. This message reminds you of the love you truly are. It helps you feel the...
by | Aug 3, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling, The Event
Dear Ones, Today we have been asked to tell you a little bit about what comes next. We know that you are all observing states of chaos around you in the world there. We would explain that occasionally, the only way [humans] can see forward to create change is through...
by | Jul 27, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, We are a part of you. And that means, of course, that you are a part of us. In all the measures of time, we have been together – whether you have been aware of us or not. Today we would speak to you of this connection and how it serves us both. You...
by | Jul 20, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, What we have for you today is this: if you are in a mode of fear or deep sadness, reach out to us. Remind yourselves of the greatness of who you really are. Focus on creating the new world you wish to live in. We know that this time of transition is...
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