by | May 27, 2020 | Ascension, The Event
This is a transcribed segment taken from a 4+ hour long session with the lovely and talented Rebekah Rice ( I will put the recording up on YouTube and will be adding other parts of the recording on my Patreon ( The session took place...
by | May 25, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
We Greet You, And what we have for you today is a message of hope. We see that many there on your planet have ways of feeling that are not, we would say, productive to the evolution of your planet. We see that the way forward can sometimes become cloudy. What we would...
by | May 18, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, We wish to speak to you today on Peace. This is a peace of both your planet and your own “soul”. We see from our perspective that there are a great many on your planet who are in the mindset of looking for evidence and placing blame. We understand that this...
by | May 11, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, When you are faced with such tumultuous times, we can see that it is in your nature and your history to dwell in the darkness. We see that it is easy for you to succumb to the idea that everything is bad and will just keep getting worse. But we also know...
by | May 4, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, When you are in fear and acknowledge such, you are in a spot where you can relax. When you feel fear and “stuff it down” so to speak, you are not in a position to make any rational choices related to where you would like to see yourself. Therefore, we know...
by | Apr 27, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Today we speak to you on the topic of grout. Yes, grout. Grout is used to stick things together. We see grout as necessary to make things functional in your world. It is useful. Things work and stay the way you want them to for a long time when you use it. So, why are...
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