by | Dec 16, 2019 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, We would say that the most helpful thing we could tell you about today is your own ability to create in your current reality. Many people believe that manifesting things is impossible. Many give their power away and consider themselves unworthy of it. But...
by | Dec 9, 2019 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, What we wish to speak to you about today is the way you commonly think of yourselves. The most common belief on your planet today is that you are powerless. That things happen to you. Those who are in this belief system are the ones who will find it the...
by | Dec 2, 2019 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, Today’s message comes at a time when you are on the precipice between what you have known and what you have strived for. “Soon” you will realize the fruits of your labor so to speak. You will embody the energies of non-duality more fully. This will allow...
by | Nov 25, 2019 | Ascension, Channeling
An update on the Earth plan. (From my alternate aspect Theos, and the groups aiding ascension. See first video on this here: I can tell you that in working with the other groups toward what some are calling the...
by | Nov 18, 2019 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, We will say to you today that when you are in a state of panic or disarray, you feel you are not connected to the source of all things. You are connected. However, when you feel that frequency of frustration and rage and injustice in your physical being,...
by | Nov 15, 2019 | Ascension, Channeling
Hey Everyone! This morning I received part 3 of my series (Heart Mind Activation) to help clear the way for you to channel or receive information from your guides and higher dimensional beings! To celebrate, I’m offering all THREE parts for $3.33 USD each ($9.99...
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