Dear One,
When you hold on to the negative emotions and the memories of past events you know that you leave no room for new and better emotions and events to happen. We understand that these emotions served a purpose at the time. However, they are building pathways, so to speak, where the reinforcement of such makes them harder to change.
In order to make those pathways less important, rather than cutting off the source of those memories that you find pleasing, you can simply build new, stronger pathways of things that bring you joy – that do not require outside reinforcement.
You know, of course, this requires you to connect to that which you really are – what you do in meditation. If you have a regular practice – even 5 minutes in the morning, at work, and in the evening when you get home from work. Reconnect to yourself (your true self). Find that place of love.
Eventually, this practice (even as small as it is), over time, will reinforce those pathways and you will need less and less of the current external stimuli in order to become happy and joyful.
So this is a beginner step, we would say, to create a new habit. Because, as a human there, habits are part of your makeup. They are a building block of your personality. So building a habit is a stepping stone to a more connected way of being. More connected to your true self, or your higher self, or your other dimensional selves.
When you do this, the external world becomes something you observe more than something that you react to.
We hope this helps you
And we thank you
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