Dear One,

When there are moments of discord within you, when there are periods of disillusionment, frustration, and sadness, these are good times to understand the contrast between what you have been experiencing and what you wish to experience.

We know that you’re not fond of using contrast to create change, which is why we so often encourage you to meditate or focus on what it is that you do want. However, in the human experience, the automatic, or built-in function of change is experiencing something so uncomfortable that you cannot stand to be within it any longer.

When you have days where everything seems to go wrong and you cannot even process the events that have unfolded in your life, it is okay to pause. In fact, your physical vessel needs this time to adjust. Because what is happening is you are bringing to the surface a collection of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and physical sensations of who you used to be, who your parents used to be, who your grandparents used to be, and what the Earth used to be like – what the experience of being on Earth was like in the past. And you are letting go of those old patterns, behaviors, thoughts, and ideas.

When you get through these experiences you are a new person. You have (without necessarily feeling that you have) transmuted so much of the previous way of life on Earth. And you are helping to move into the new paradigm – the new way of thinking, feeling, believing, and experiencing. You are allowing the new to come in and this is what you’re here to do.

We understand that it does not feel good. And we know that it does not necessarily help to remind you that you chose this. You chose to come here and do this at this time for the benefit of The All – not just those of Earth. Nevertheless, it is true.

And so we give you our support at any time you need it. And there are many others who await your mental and emotional requests for support. It doesn’t matter if you have no one in your life who you feel can support you through these changes. Because you have an entire “stadium” full of helpers waiting to reach out to you and to be of support.

We all do this in a lot of different ways. When you call from your heart and your mind for support from those of us not in the earth experience – even if you cannot feel our love and support – look for clues that we are here. Look for it in the smile of a stranger, the laugh of a child. They will be put in front of you as proof that you are loved and cared for always.

We hope this helps you
And we thank you

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