Dear Ones,

When you find yourselves in a situation where you are thriving, we think it would be beneficial for you to not second guess yourselves. For example, when something good happens we see that you have a tendency to wonder why. You have a tendency to downplay the benefit to others or you feel guilt around the deservedness of the good that is happening.

We would like to expand on the truth that you are deserving of every good thing. It is your natural state of being to receive good – to live well. We know that while you are there, there is polarity and things happen that you do not consider beneficial. However we would like to suggest that rather than expecting bad, or feeling undeserving of the good, you instead expect the best outcomes.

It is a habit there to base your current reality on experiences of the past. It is a side effect of linear time and the experience of it there. We recommend you start thinking of time differently. When you do this we think you will stop expecting outcomes based on previous experience. This is beneficial because you will be able to create a practice of expecting happiness, joy, peace, ease in your daily lives.

And so, even though you have a very long history of negative outcomes, we believe this new practice will help you greatly. And it works because the dimensional energies there have shifted for you to be able to live more fully in this new dynamic way.

We think you will enjoy this,
and we thank you.

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