Lightworker Support - Channeling and Spiritual Guidance
Live your life in an easier, more joyful way with less stress, less drama, and less chaos
Since 2015, I’ve been channeling messages from a group I identify as the Arcturians (a higher dimensional collective consciousness not currently embodied in the physical). My channelings include messages on how to live your life in an easier, more joyful way with less stress, less drama, and less chaos. They help you navigate life by looking at things from a different perspective, and you will definitely notice a change in yourself and how you experience life!
Short, channeled messages are shared every week on YouTube (transcripts are also posted on my website).
Amanda has a wonderful gift! All her channeled messages for me have been extremely relevant, insightful, and very, very loving. She has provided (through her ‘team’) some much-needed context and depth to help me clarify many issues I had been struggling with. This spiritual journey is not an easy one and Amanda’s messages have helped tremendously and I am very, very grateful to both her and her ‘Team.’ Gifts aside, she is also just a wonderful person and I am very grateful to have met her.
Elizabeth Brown
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Meditate On World Leaders (Channeled)
What can we do when we've lost our faith in the direction the world has taken? Our guides tell us what will work best right now: Meditating on our world leaders. Read on to find out how and why. Dear Ones, We see that humanity is facing a crisis there. Not a...
Multiple Levels of Purpose (Channeled)
Dear Ones, In the current environment there you may feel like things are worsening. In the physical, they may be. But in your energy, you are expanding. When you take on a life there, you are essentially squeezing yourself into a tight space. It is not unlike those of...
Your Energetic Role (Channeled)
Dear Ones, In light of what is going on there at this time, we wish to share some of our methods for creating harmony. We think that, at this time, it will be most useful to you and to the energy of the planet. Firstly, when you have two opposing energies that are...