Dear Ones,
For every thought you have, there exists an expansive and tremendous amount of potential thoughts and ideas. We are telling you this so that you understand how unlimited you are.
The Universe is a very abundant place. In addition, there are layers or dimensions that exist that are not normally perceived from your linear time. However, it is important to note that you do interact with these unseen dimensions frequently.
It is also worthy to note that there are procedures that allow you to interact in more predictable and consistent ways.
For example, when you want to manifest something into your life, you can “call” that item or way of being into the reality you are currently experiencing. We know you will want to know how and we tell you it is very simple.
Set your intention for it to happen, then let go. Do not think of it in terms of how it could not happen or is not likely to happen. Think only in terms of what you want and it exists. When you let go of resistance it simply slides laterally into your current reality.
We have said many times that you are creator beings. It is easy for you to manifest specifically that which you hold no emotional charge for. And so we suggest you practice manifesting in this way with something you would enjoy, but that you do not feel you “need”. This way you can build your confidence in your manifesting abilities and slowly build them until you are able to manifest your grandest desires.
There are many more ways in which to use the interdimensional abilities. They are too many and too varied to discuss at once. If you begin here, you will become aware of more potential dimensional interactions as your practice progresses. We will continue to expand on these interactions in future messages.
We think you will enjoy this,
and we thank you.
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